MARÍA Navarro Limón ( is graduated in Social Psychology by the University of Seville. She holds an MA in Human Resources Management (CEA and has completed both an “Expert Course in Equality within Cooperation Projects” (UNED) and a student research internship at the Department of Social Psychology (University of Seville). She acted as coordinator of research at transnational project “Euroempleo” (Junta de Andalucía) – “Estudio de Fracaso escolar, y Sistema de Acreditación de Competencias” (Analysis of School Failure and Certification Skills), with partners from Portugal, Ireland and Spain. She has also coordinated two further research projects on dependency and professional qualifications funded by Junta de Andalucía through the “Acciones de Innovación para la Formación” (Innovative Training Actions) program within the framework of the “Sistema Nacional de Cualificaciones” (National Qualification System). Since 2013, María has acted as President of Radiopolis community radio in Seville where she is responsible for coordinating programs and projects. Since 2014, she is also General Coordinator of the Red de Medios Comunitarios (ReMC, Community Media Network)and an active member of the Foro Andaluz de Comunicación (Andalusian Media Forum) within the Legislative and Information Rights Group. María has also contributed to the wording of the Andalusian law project for audiovisual media and citizen participation. Coordinator of the seminar “Community Media, Citizenry and University” at the Faculty of Communication (University of Seville) in November 2015. She is currently part or the working group within the wider project “Participamos, Transformamos” (We Participate, We Transform).